Leadership in Context – Continued
More models leading to the FIVE “Cs” of Leadership; An overview of the attributes of leadership
In my last posting, I described some approaches to leadership and leadership paradigms. This posting describes some other, more complex models, which describe leadership attributes.
Mark Sanborn, “You Don’t Need a Title to be a Leader”
In Mark Sanborn’s “You Don’t Need a Title to be a Leader, Sanborn describes is model with focuses on “ROI,” Relationships, Outcomes, Improvements. He describes six attributes of leadership, which he believes are key:
•Power with People,
• Communication,
Simply stated, self-mastery boils down to managing your “self-mastery matrix,” which measures the promises you make versus the promises you keep.
Focus involves the ability to set an agenda, to identify your priorities, and to essentially, “live intentionally.”
Sanborn characterizes power with people as stemming from character, competence, and connection. For example, being honest and saying “I don’t know” when someone asks you something that you honestly don’t know. Being good at what you do, and having the orientation to build people up and to motivate them.
Communication, as Sanborn uses it, refers to a person’s ability to build connection and create rapport with the ultimate goal of shard understanding. Effective communication results in an effective ability to positively influence others.
Execution, as Sanborn describes it, relates to one’s “IQ.” In this instance IQ does not refer to intelligence quotient, but to implementation quotient. Effective leaders have proven abilities to envision an outcome and to achieve it.
Finally, Sanborn posits that effective leaders are giving. Effective leaders give because it is satisfying and fulfilling to them. They don’t expect recognition, and yet they are recognized and appreciated by those who work with them.
As the postings on leadership continue, I hope you begin to see the common themes that emerge. My next posting will discuss two more books that focus on the attributes of leadership. In my final posting will describe the Business Excellence Solutions model of leadership, which is based on the Five C’s of Leadership.
Bruce MacAllister April 2011