Program and System Review – Updates on Services
We have recently made a number of changes and upgrades to our current website. Given that currently over 40% of our visitors view our site with an iPhone, Android device or a tablet, our goal is to eventually completely retool the website to be more phone and tablet friendly. Meanwhile, we have made a number of content enhancements, including introducing new collaborators and program details. Most recently we upgraded our “Services Detail” page to include a more detailed explanation of a growing area of our current workload, conducting program reviews.
We have wide-ranging experience in working with organizations to review the sources of systemic inefficiency and chronic conflict. We normally approach these sorts of reviews using our tried and true Organizational Assessment process (link). But, our experience with conducting specialized program reviews that focus on evaluating service quality, system compliance, gaps, and ethics and legal risks is equally wide ranging and includes work with colleges, universities, multi-national corporations, and specialized units. Our expertise includes evaluating system compliance to mandated design specifications, and evaluating the effectiveness of specialized programs such as ombuds programs, mediation systems, and other alternative dispute resolution programs.
Team expertise
Our team has the exceptional and diverse experience necessary to conduct comprehensive, credible system and program reviews. Our team includes experts who have designed and launched programs from the ground up. We have experience in finance, law, quality, system administration, management, performance assurance, technology transfer, and information technology. We have successfully conducted programs reviews for a diverse range of clients, including high-tech, defense-related organizations; higher education departments and systems, R&D organizations, and smaller, specialized organizations.
Overview of Approach
Our fundamental, driving philosophy is that any review conducted is only valuable if it addresses every aspect of the organization’s concern and answers the key questions necessary to enable the organization’s management to make advised decisions that work within the culture and values of the particular organization. A program review is not a one-size-fits-all activity!
To ensure that our product absolutely meets the needs of the requesting organization, we have developed our own library of unique tools to enable a thorough, but customized review. Our reviews always include a customized agreement that serves as the basis for our review. Based on our years’ experience in performing the review function, we can now draw from our huge library of possible system and process questions, to develop customized “lines of inquiry.” We are experts in reviewing current system documentation and identifying gaps and opportunities in enhancing current systems, processes and accompanying documentation.
Fundamental Values and Approach
Our reviews are premised on recognizing that it is absolutely imperative that the review can only be credible if those conducting the review gain deep knowledge of the organization. To this end, our reviews invariably involve extensive one-on-one interviews in addition to review of the more tangible program components, such as systems and documentation.
Finally, a key element of our approach, which distinguishes us from other review resources, is our steadfast commitment to a close engagement with management to explain our findings is indispensible. We are not satisfied with simply producing another document that will gather dust on a manager’s desk. Our goal is to engage the managers and teams involved and to help them engage in solutions. We recognize and appreciate that our suggested approaches may not be the only way to address the identified concern and we commit ourselves to the successful implementation of the solutions that the organization finds to be the best fit.
BJM – May 2017