It is a pleasure to announce that our team at Business Excellence Solutions – BES – has gained remarkable new talent from two energetic and highly experienced ombuds and conflict resolution experts! We are excited to welcome our newest team mates!

Anamaris Price Cousins comes to the team with 14 years’ experience as Ombudsman and Manager working at Halliburton Energy Services. She worked extensively with employees helping them to navigate their work-related concerns; identifying triggers, testing perceptions, and weighing options to achieve desired outcomes. Beyond working with employees and managers to help them work through workplace concerns, she has significant experience in policy and procedures interpretation, and operational systems and tracking patterns of systemic breakdown. Anamaris led an initiative to extend the Halliburton ombudsman program to employees in South America, researching business practices and legal implications and then served as single point of contact for all Spanish and Portuguese speaking employees for the entire corporation. She is recognized as a leader in the ombuds profession, serving two-terms as President for International Ombudsman Association and leading various initiatives for advancement and recognition of organizational ombudsman. In addition, Anamaris has:
- Rich and varied project experience in multi-cultural, multi-lingual settings;
- A proven record as a middle and executive-level management coach; and
- Proven facilitation and meeting management skills and talents.
Anamaris holds a Baccalaureate Degree in Bilingual Business Administration from the Instituto PanAmericano (IPA), Panama City, Panama

Diana Masonyi is located primarily in Budapest, Hungary and works internationally as a seasoned workplace conflict resolution specialist, ombuds, and mediator. She is the founder and Executive Director of the Hungarian Organizational Ombuds Association and has diversified experience in:
- Organizational assessment & development
- Corporate training
- Mediation and Ombuds services
Diana works with organizations to identify underlying issues and concerns that reduce productivity in the organization and identifying interests and needs. She navigates company policies and assesses conflict trends and works with leaders to suggest conflict resolution and optimizing options and approaches. Her methods are proven to help reduce cost due to conflict and to improve work processes to make operations more efficient and the work environment more positive and productive.
Diana leads conflicts resolution and communication workshops and training in the European corporate sector. She is an instructor for the Middle-European Mediation Institute, teaching the organizational mediation module. In addition to her work with our team, Diana works as a consultant with the oldest Hungarian OD company as a leadership coach.
Diana holds a Bachelor of Sociology and a Masters of Economics and in Management & Leadership. While focusing on serving the middle European region, Diana is also a certified mediator in the United Sates and served as a mediator for Bernalillo County Metropolitan Court, in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
We are so pleased and excited to welcome Anamaris and Diana to the BES team!