Overview of Activities

Catching Up!! For many years, we posted articles and updates on a reasonably regular basis.  In 2014, I accepted a challenging project to implement a major new ombudsman program for a large, public university.  This involved nearly two years of effort to design, implement the program, work to see that the program was integrated into

Welcome Ramey Miller!

I am delighted to announce that Ramey Miller has joined our team as a new collaborator! Through its existence, Business Excellence Solutions has delivered services through a dynamic, adaptive business model that maximizes flexibility and organizational agility and enables its collaborators maximum latitude to collaborate through our informal consortium while also pursuing individual professional interests

REALTOR® Ombudsman Programs

Need a simple turnkey program to meet the NAR requirement? The National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) has adopted policy that requires all local and state associations of REALTORS® to offer, either directly or as part of a cooperative enforcement agreement, ombudsman services to their members, clients, and consumers by January 1, 2016.  Based on your

Welcome Deborah Davis!

I am delighted to welcome Deborah Davis to the Business Excellence Solutions Team as a Senior Consultant!  Deborah comes to the Bizexteam with extensive and wide-ranging experience in the area of professional standards administration for residential and commercial REALTOR® Associations. In addition to her experience working with professional standards, Deborah’s diverse career includes:  Conflict resolution

Ombudsman Programs Expanding into New Professional Fields

Ombuds Programs for REALTOR® Transactions For many years one of the essential services that REALTOR® associations have provided is a review process for ethics complaints. And, for some years now, local and regional REALTOR® associations have experimented with ways to improve the timeliness and effectiveness of ethics reviews and disputes among REALTORS® and between REALTORS® and the general public.

New posts are coming!

My apologies to my blog readers for the delay in additional posts on effective communication.  I have been very occupied designing and implementing a new University Ombudsman Program for the University of Oregon in Eugene, Oregon.  This is now the fifth ombuds program that I will have been involved with designing and implementing. A full-featured

The Tao of Communication?

Thoughts on the Tao of Communication Events in my daily life often inspire the focus of my blog posts. I apologize to those of you readers who like a linear structure to the topics.  Sometimes I wander afield for a post or two, based on something that inspires a slightly different focus. So, breaking from