Next Installment: What does an Ombudsman Programs Offer an Organization?

In this post we continue our discussion about ombudsman programs.  Today’s posting focuses on: What Does an Ombudsman Program Offer? An ombudsman program in your organization can potentially provide a highly confidential way for employees or members, and potentially, clients, citizens, and customers, to seek answers to questions, express concerns, or seek informal resolution of

An Update

It has been a busy and exciting time for Business Excellence Solutions as we continue to expand our client list and our services resume. Providing a wide variety of services to our diverse client-base is one of the most rewarding aspects or our work. In the last year we have worked with awesome clients involving

Recent Activities

Perhaps ironically or perhaps predictably, as the recession took its toll on the country and on its workplaces, many organizations found they needed more help in communication and conflict resolution. Organizations found that their workplaces were more prone to conflict and communication issues as employees faced the stresses of the recession at home and brought

Launching a new series of short articles and topics

I am pleased to announce that Business Excellence Solutions is launching  a new series of short discussions and articles in our blog site.  Our first article is authored by David Markwardt.  Recently, I had the opportunity to work with David when we co-facilitated a retreat for a local non-profit organization. David’s gift for designing programming