Welcome Anamaris Cousins Price and Diana Mosonyi!

It is a pleasure to announce that our team at Business Excellence Solutions – BES – has gained remarkable new talent from two energetic and highly experienced ombuds and conflict resolution experts!  We are excited to welcome our newest team mates! Anamaris Price Cousins comes to the team with 14 years’ experience as Ombudsman and Manager working at

Overview of Activities

Catching Up!! For many years, we posted articles and updates on a reasonably regular basis.  In 2014, I accepted a challenging project to implement a major new ombudsman program for a large, public university.  This involved nearly two years of effort to design, implement the program, work to see that the program was integrated into

Overview of 2013 Business Activities

It seems natural at this time of year to look back at the challenges, results, and accomplishments from last year.  Every year about this time, I post a little update that outlines last year’s activities. So, in keeping with that tradition, here is a summary of last year – challenges, results, and accomplishments. Last year,

Summary of Activities for 2012

Introduction 2012 was an incredibly busy year for our Business Excellence Solutions collaboration! As an entity, we have grown to the point where we have had to revisit our structure to ensure that we continue seamless support of our diverse and incredibly interesting client-base. Business Excellence Solutions has relied on an informal business model that