Summary of Activities for 2012

Introduction 2012 was an incredibly busy year for our Business Excellence Solutions collaboration! As an entity, we have grown to the point where we have had to revisit our structure to ensure that we continue seamless support of our diverse and incredibly interesting client-base. Business Excellence Solutions has relied on an informal business model that

Recent Activities

An Update on Recent Activities If you have checked in to look for blog updates since mid-summer, you will have undoubtedly noticed that there was silence.  For those waiting for the next posting on relating to the “Twelve Tips for Effective Communication,” it will be posted very soon!  The truth about the delay in recent

Twelve Tips for Effective Communication; Tip Two: Plan Your Communication

Have an outcome in mind and a plan to get there. – Any important communication warrants advance planning.  You wouldn’t build a house without a floor plan.  Don’t have important meetings or discussions without a communication plan. My last posting was the first in a series on our tips for communication and focused on setting

Launching a new series of short articles and topics

I am pleased to announce that Business Excellence Solutions is launching  a new series of short discussions and articles in our blog site.  Our first article is authored by David Markwardt.  Recently, I had the opportunity to work with David when we co-facilitated a retreat for a local non-profit organization. David’s gift for designing programming