Organizational Ombuds: An important resource in Turbulent Times

The organizational ombudsman model has been widely embraced for many years by colleges, universities, and progressive corporations as an important resource to ensure that students and employees have a neutral, confidential, informal resource available to assist when issues or conflict arise. In these times of crisis and change, the ombuds resource becomes an even more

2011 in Review

Summary of Activities for 2011 2011 turned out to be a busy year! During this year we worked with a number of key clients and performed challenging and rewarding work. Among others, clients this year included: The United States Department of the Interior; Los Alamos National Security, operating Los Alamos National Laboratory; The Greater Albuquerque

The Five C’s of Leadership

Leadership in Context – Final Installment The FIVE “Cs” of Leadership; An overview of the attributes of leadership (continued) In this final posting on the current topic of leadership, I complete our review of some of the different approaches to discussing the traits that are commonly identified with an effective leader.  Those of you who

The Five C’s of Leadership, Part I.

Leadership in Context The FIVE “Cs” of Leadership; An overview of the attributes of leadership Overview We all know people who are “natural leaders,” but is there really any such thing?  What is it about people who are recognized as effective in their own particular context that makes them stand out?  Leaders come in many