Continuing our series on tips for effective communication …

Twelve Tips for Communication Tip Four: Listen Comprehensively – the Many Levels of Listening Listening involves more than just hearing. In this post, our focus is on understanding comprehensive listening: listening in the broadest and most powerful sense.  This concept expanding listening from one of simply hearing another, to one of receiving information from another

Tools for Effective Communication: Third Tool

Tools for Effective Communication: Third tool: Understanding Styles. So far, we have discussed two tools designed to help you approach an important communication: setting a goal for the outcome and planning the communication before jumping into it. Perhaps most of us intuitively feel that the best communications seem easy and natural.  They happen almost automatically

The Five C’s of Leadership

Leadership in Context – Final Installment The FIVE “Cs” of Leadership; An overview of the attributes of leadership (continued) In this final posting on the current topic of leadership, I complete our review of some of the different approaches to discussing the traits that are commonly identified with an effective leader.  Those of you who

Leadership in Context, continued

Leadership in Context – Continued More models leading to the FIVE “Cs” of Leadership; An overview of the attributes of leadership In my last posting, I described some approaches to leadership and leadership paradigms.  This posting describes some other, more complex models, which describe leadership attributes. Mark Sanborn, “You Don’t Need a Title to be