Since my last update, our team has been extraordinarily busy with a wide variety of new projects.  This post discusses some of the highlights of the work we are doing.

First and foremost, as mentioned in our last post, we have a new member of our team.  Camilla S. Lopez has joined Business Excellence Solutions as an Affiliate Consultant.  In this role, Camilla will lead a variety of projects and special assignments.  Camilla’s international experience in educational programming design combined with her technical expertise in systems design and her depth of experience working with quality programming, such as the Malcolm Baldridge quality criteria, make her a valuable addition to our team. She also has extensive, hands-on experience as an Ombudsperson and a professional in conflict resolution. Again, we are excited to have Camilla on board and again extend a hearty welcome!

We recently completed the largest portion of our work with the Greater Albuquerque Association of Realtors to help that organization implement its new Ombudsman Program and had were no sooner wrapping up that initiative when we were approached by the International Foundation for Online Responsibility [IFFOR], to help it implement its new Office of the IFFOR Ombudsman. The ombudsman model deployed by IFFOR is quite different than that of our last client, and will be a more “classical” Ombudsman model[1] involving an audit function as well as a complaint resolution function. This will be a rewarding and important initiative and we have an upcoming post to discuss the details of this new relationship. Meanwhile, for more information, you can check out the news release on the IFFOR website at: .

We continue our extensive work as well with the United States Department of the Interior, doing workplace mediations, organizational conflict resolution, training, and executive coaching.  We also continue to serve Los Alamos National Laboratory, facilitating important community information meetings relating to environmental compliance and clean up issues. Also, Bruce MacAllister continues to serve as a mediator for the New Mexico District Court and conducts three to four mediations monthly for the courts.

Because we are a small organization, it is sometimes difficult to keep up with the workload – providing excellent client support and maintaining an active presence on our website.  Our apologies for the lapse in our postings on communication skills!  We simply were overtaken by our workload.  We will continue our postings on communication skills within the next few days.

BJM  March 28, 2012

[1] For more information on the different models of ombuds programs go to our website at: and select the article on ombuds models from the menu of articles.

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