An Update on Recent Activities

Recent Activities You may have noticed that my next posting on leadership has not yet appeared on our blog.  Frankly, this is because, as the blog’s principal editor, I simply got too busy.  My apologies to anyone who has been waiting for the next posting! It will be posted today! Meanwhile, here is an update

Change Leadership – Our Continuing Review of Leadership Traits

More models leading to the FIVE “Cs” of Leadership; An overview of the attributes of leadership In my last posting, I described several more approaches to leadership and leadership paradigms, as described by writers and scholars such as Mark Sanborn and Malcolm Gladwell.  This posting describes yet another and somewhat more complex model, focusing on

Important Upcoming Public Hearings and Meetings!

In the next few weeks I will be facilitating six very important public meetings involving environmental issues and facilities planning.  Anyone interested in having input to the future of the area and in providing planning officials at Los Alamos National Laboratory with valuable input, should plan to attend.  There will be six meetings to share

Leadership in Context, continued

Leadership in Context – Continued More models leading to the FIVE “Cs” of Leadership; An overview of the attributes of leadership In my last posting, I described some approaches to leadership and leadership paradigms.  This posting describes some other, more complex models, which describe leadership attributes. Mark Sanborn, “You Don’t Need a Title to be

How Does Confidentiality Work With Ombudsman Programs?

In our discussions about ombudsman programs so far, I have discussed the potential reasons and advantages to an organization for using an informal program, such as an ombudsman program. We have described the differences between the major models of ombudsman programs and we have also reviewed the common elements shared by all ombudsman programs. In

What Are the Common Attributes of Ombudsman Programs?

We continue our discussion of ombudsman programs. So far, we have discussed why an organization might consider an ombuds program and what a program can offer an organization beyond those services available through traditional functions. We have also discussed the predominant models of programs. Different models seem to fit better in different situations. Notwithstanding the

Understanding the Different Types of Ombudsman Programs

Many people are familiar with some form of an ombudsman program. Because there are several predominant models, it can be confusing when one encounters a program designed to a different set of principles. Todays segment of the article on Ombudsman programs focuses on an overview of ombudsman program types. Are There Different Program Models for

Recent Activities

Perhaps ironically or perhaps predictably, as the recession took its toll on the country and on its workplaces, many organizations found they needed more help in communication and conflict resolution. Organizations found that their workplaces were more prone to conflict and communication issues as employees faced the stresses of the recession at home and brought